Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heavy and Light Ball Bounce Pass 2

Below are my second takes on the ball bounce.

Here are some of the critique notes i received on it.


  1. Sound Effects should decrease along with the ball bounce.
  2. Audio needs work. Doesnt line up with ball bounce.
  3. Bring out the cracking ground.
  4. Add more damage.
  5. Move the animation left to line up with background vectors.
  6. Ball bounces too high.
  7. Wrecking ball crumbles ground as it rolls.

  1. Sound doesnt add up with animation.
  2. tilt ground plane some more.
  3. rotate the ball animation.
  4. darker shading on globe.
  5. bookshelf needs depth.
  6. globe looks like fish bowl.

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