Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Exploration 5 Images and Ideas

For exploration 5 we are going to take a historical 2D image and animate the seperate elements in a believable way to tell a story. I chose 3 images to start with and will narrow it down to one image that I will animate later on.

This first image is of a train yard. I chose this image because of the large amounts of animate-able objects and all the planes they reside on. We have a set of rail cars right against the front plane that could stay stationary while the rest of the image animates. We have another set of cars in the close-mid plane and two more trains in the middle plane. Both of these trains have distinct plumes of smoke that I could bring to life. Another reason I chose this was the smokes stacks in the background that I could animate the smoke from. 

I want this story to be about the working class and getting what needs to be done finished on time. 

This next image is all about the distressed nature of the scene. It looks like some kind of abandoned house which tells a pretty strong story by itself. Some of the elements I plan on animating include the cloth on the table, windows and dresser as well as the light bulb in the center of the room.

This final image is really interesting because I think it could really portray a light heartedness. This man is just taking a drive down the country side road and the background just happens to be Washington DC.

Some of the elements I plan to animate are the trees swaying gently in the background as they pan through the scene. The car will be moving as if it were driving and the gentlemen might even move the wheel just a little. The Washington Monument will also move to the right in parallax with the rest of the environment. I really think this one could be the most fun overall.

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